Thursday, February 3, 2011

A great site!

So lately I have been thinking about things I used as a teacher that I want to use with my children....which is pretty much everything I used as a teacher but thats beside the point.  I realized that I am forgetting so much and bit by bit something reminds me of something I have forgotten or pushed to the back of my mind.  While trying to remember I kept saying in my mind and saying wait thats where I do my photobooks, whats it called again?  I finally remembered and decided that in order to not forget I should post it to this blog to see at a later date.  I hope it can benefit someone as well.  Heres why I like it:
Its Free- lets be honest free stuff rocks! My students loved it!  They enjoyed playing the games, singing the songs, and learning the letters and sounds.  They talk about lots of different holidays and have activities for each one.  The songs really are hard to get out of your mind once they are there (Which isn't such a bad thing).  One of my students loved them so much that I decided to memorize a few so I could reward him for good behavior by singing one of his favorite songs.  I love that they are catching and teach something as well.  This and the song at the end of the letter z (in the ABC section) were two of his ( and my )favorites.  There  are all sorts of games include sorting and matching.  I also really liked that the site was easy to use.  There are little stars that twinkle around the button you need to push when you need to push it and it really only requires the use of the mouse.  The site was perfect for all of the children in my class, each one could find something they could work on.  Even the students who were on the lowest end developmentally loved the pictures and songs-they would usually require an adult to help at times but eventually were able to do a lot on their own.  I would sometimes set the computer up on a certain book or letter that matched something that student had been working on.  I would have them complete the task and then allow them to explore on their own.  It was a very motivating site.  It also helped English Language Learners a lot. If you have children old enough to begin learning letter sounds and/or need to get some basic computer use before they head to school then go on over.  Its pretty fun.  It can help with those fine motor skills and reinforce previously learned letters, sounds, chunks, or basic reading skills.
Head on over to for your own fun time!!

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