Thursday, February 24, 2011

Art Week Day 2

So the second day of Our Art Week we of course had to load up on supplies.  We decided not to limit ourselves to just drawing but to do some other things as well.  Heres what we came home with.  We got some good deals too!  There is just something about walking into a thrift store with creativity on the mind.  You can do some great things for really cheap!
This little project in the making cost 99 cents

These 2 unused canvas boards and two large matching frames cost $5 all together.  I was so excited about these finds.  It was like someone knew we were coming and had perfect items waiting for us!
This little one was 99 cents as well.
And of course we needed Duck Tape.
And my sister bought some brushes and paints for her canvases.

Walking into an art store is educational in so many ways.  There is so much to see and no matter how hard you try to stop them, your creative juices start flowing uncontrollably.  There are so many different mediums for creation, I love it!!  I want to buy EVERYTHING in Michaels.  Its such a fun place to go.  We were good though and just bought the basics that we needed. 

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