Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My Father in Law actually posted this on his blog the other day and it reminded me of some fun things my students would do in music class. 

This child is obviously very proficient at his conducting skills. In our music class the students would listen to the classical music and use their hands to make small movements if the music was quiet and large movements if it was loud. This was great for them to learn to discriminate auditory input. As they got better at that they would use small, short movements and long movements according to the beat or flow of the music. It was very fun for them. Sometimes they would even have objects or stuffed animals which was a little more motivating. We also had TONS of dance parties in our classroom. My students LOVED them!!! We would sometimes take turns and someone would get in the middle of the circle and show off their killer moves.  A lot of times this was to help them feel more comfortable when they had to get up alone.....thus preparing them for our Christmas Program!! Oh I miss those little guys!!  Music is a fantastic teaching tool!

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